Selasa, 12 Mei 2009

Democracy? or democrazy?


Its a funny thing what happened these days. After 3 elections Indonesia had after reformation, still democracy is being questioned. I know democracy is not really the best but for now it stills the best of the worse.

I’m so jealous with USA and another country that has done their democracy by fairness; there we can tell how good democracy is. But here? You’ll question again what is democracy really are?

Involving the process of Legislative election in Indonesia, makes me fell like I’m dying cause of cancer in my bran. Never spend a day without headache. It’s a silly thing, here intellectual, purity, and spirit to chance Indonesia to something better is not a selling issues. People rather choose money and famous people, don’t care if they are famous because of bad things.

Being well known as an Actors, actress or celebrities is better then being well known as never give up fighter. Or Rp. 50.000-300.000 (5-30 $) is much better then a great program for the welfare.

Makes me wonder, what is the real meaning of democracy? Is it popularity contest? Or look who is richer contest? If it so then I tell u we’d rather leave by communist or in autocracy.

Politic is just too cruel for honest people. It’s all about the interest of the ruler. Bullshit with the interest of the people, maybe it’s true, but which people?

Maybe just let those cheaters win, rule and everything. Maybe better to leave out the minds to recover this nation. Let the neoliberal took it all, and lets begin the new modern imperialism. By then hopefully there will be a revolution. Or, we can send voodoos too all the cheater in this country so they’ll die and just the right men will alive, then we can have a better democracy.



July 18th, 2008 by iyuth15

Tuesday..8th of July 2008

Gw pernah bilang ma sahabat gw, Ndut..kalau 2006 itu..’what a year’ for a positive way..
Many things happened in my life, that surely change me and make me who I am right now..but God gave me candy and ice I felt the same way too..2008..’what a year’ for me..but not as sweet as candy and ice cream as God has gave me 2 years ago..

Gw pernah bilang..bahwa apapun yang terjadi dalam kehidupan kita..baik yang kita kehendaki maupun tidak, memang tidak bisa dilihat efeknya seketika..Took time to understand what message that God would like to tell us..tapi..ketika bukan gula-gula dan es krim yg diberikannya, ketika yang diberikannya adalah sambal dan merica..terasa semua pesan2 indah itu buyar..

Kembali lagi gw menanyakan..What is that u would like to say now God? Apalagi si yang kurang? Apalagi yang salah?

God made everything beautiful at it’s time..

tapi ga mudah untuk mencapai waktu itu..bahkan kadang kita suka meninggalkan dan mencari jalan pintas..yg ternyata hanya jalan buntu..

Easy to say but hard to do..

Bingung maunya Tuhan itu apa..
knapa Dia ciptain manusia kalo hanya bikin manusia itu sendiri kecewa?
Kenapa Dia ciptain manusia kalo Dia selalu merasa kesal dengan tingkah laku manusia?
Kenapa ga diciptain aja robot yang nurut..ya ga?

Yang sekarang gw bisa minta..hanyalah diberikan kekuatan agar tidak menyerah sampai ‘saat itu’ tiba..hikmat agar bisa mengerti kehendakNya..
