Jumat, 28 Agustus 2009
Menunggu..dan menunggu...
kalo ambil positifnya..menunggu adalah jalan untuk melatih kesabaran kita..membuat kita semakin kuat..dan mengajarkan kita agar tidak lagi menjadi egois..
susah ya ninggalin ego..andai saja manusia tidak memiliki ego..pasti yang diinginkan marx dan kaum hippies akan terwuujud...
seandainya tidak ada ego..kita sudah berada di surga sekarang..
menunggu dan menanti..pelajaran untuk membunuh ego kita..hanya jika kita mau sabar dan ikhlas atas semua keadaan yang terjadi di sekeliling kita..
andaikan tidak ada ego..Indonesia tidak akan menjadi seperti ini..
tidak akan ada bom, tidak akan ada angka kemiskinan yang melonkaj..todak akan ada milyarder baru tiap harinya..tidak akan ada korupsi, kejahatan, kesedihan...
tp harus diakuin juga kalo ga ada ego kita ga akan mungkin merasakan kepuasan, kebahagiaan, senang...
sesuatu yang sulit untuk dijalankan pasti memiliki maksud besar dibaliknya...
sabar dalam menunggu..menunggu sesuatu yang tidak pasti..menunggu dan berharap..
susah memang..keep on ur hope when things are falling apart..
tapi disinilah ego kita diuji..kesabaran kita..dan kedewasaan kita..
tidak ada yang kebetulan dalam hidup kita..semua sudah ada dalam rencana-Nya..
ketika kita menunggu..itulah saaat kita diuji..sampai kita sabar sehingga kita dikasih nilai dan hadiah oleh Nya..
being a human that less selfish..and more patient...
Are You Addicted??
I just watch another Oprah show..this time is about drug addiction with the testimonial of Tatum O'neil. For a glince, I wont be recognizing my self in her. I was never become a drug addict, I even never see what's the form of a drug. But then, I realized, there is some important point that I can see in her that I have also. It's call addiction.
I think many of us that has an addiction in their life in many form. Addiction is not only for drugs. Addiction to alcohol, addiction to smoke, addiction to sex, addiction to food, addiction to movie, addiction to food, addiction to internet, addiction to facebook, addiction to your ex lover, addiction to your significant other..many kinds of addiction.
What is addiction anyway? Well, I don't look this word in a dictionary. In my opinion addiction is when you feel that u can't let something away from you. U think that it is your live, that if u lose it u will feel like nothing. Addiction is something that u know is not use, that is no advantage in it, that sometimes you know it's a stupid thing. But yet, you just feel that u cant let it go, or release it from your life time. And it took the most of your time. And if u are in a circumstance not able to do it, you will find a way, you will try your very best to find a way, even when you have to sacrifice your life.
I fell that also. Being addicted to something that I know is very stupid and unreasonable. Being addicted to something that makes me do stupid things, crazy things, and make my self like a moron and a jerk in one time.
The problem of being addiction is that ourself. We say that we want to be free, but we do nothing to get it. Every time I look my self up in a mirror, I always see the stupid, moron, sad girl that I never ever saw before. Everyone say that I should let go of my addiction. But I cant. Or I wouldn't? Maybe it's more because of I wouldn't. I keep say that I wish I can, but I never say I wish I would. The problem is in you. If only you would let a half of you go and throw it to waste, you can be such a more useful man for the universe.
Being an addiction is not good. It only feels good for a while, but the rest is suffer. We keep blaming God on what happened to us, or maybe we put that blame to demon as well. But actually it's not their fault. God give us an option, devil only tempt us. It's our right to choose, and for me...i choose the wrong option.
Now God say something else to me. I give u another opportunity to choose, let the addiction go or keep being a stupid moron girl. I really wish I can choose the first option. But now I'm still learning to say I would like to choose the first option. I hope you do too..
have a good day everyone..don't wait till it's to late to let your addiction go....
F****n' Love!!
Siapa si cinta?
Apa itu cinta?
Cinta tak harus memiliki
cinta itu buta
cinta itu tidak mengenal fisik
cinta itu tidak mengenal materi.*yaiyalah..namanya juga buta
trus cinta tu apa dong?
Zat kimiakah? Hantukah? Orangkah?
Orang bisa hidup karena cinta
orang juga bisa menderita karena cinta
jadi cinta tu baik atau jahat?
Kenapa manusia harus memiliki perasaan yang namanya cinta?
Cinta sama Tuhan
cinta sama pasangan
cinta sama orang tua
cinta sama negara
tai kucinglah sama cinta
gimana kalo gw bilang cinta tu bau! Cinta tu menjijikkan! Cinta tu menyebalkan!!!!
anak SD aja skrg udah bisa bilang cinta..next what? Anak TK? Anak Playgroup???
banyak lagu yang ngomongin cinta..banyak film yang ngomongin cinta..tp tetep ga bisa dijelaskan dengan logika apa itu cinta
cinta kadang bisa lebih kejam dari Lucifer.
Cinta kadang bisa lebih kejam dari hewan terbuas manapun
tapi bisa lebih manis dari gula
dan lebih candu dari nikotin
tapi satu hal yang gw tau..Tuhan memakai cinta untuk membuat kita lebih dewasa, lebih kuat dan lebih bijaksana dari sebelumnya..
cinta tu alat..cinta tu oknum..cinta tu........u fill it for me......
Selasa, 21 Juli 2009
Good Bye my Hero...
Saying goodbye actually is the same hard as saying welcome and nice to meet you. When you meet some one new, actually you have to be ready to say say goodbye to that person, cause goodbye is a stage that everyone should pass in their live.
I remember when I take my brother to the airport. I was trying so hard not to feel to much sad about it. But it seems that the harder I try, the harder it is to keep this tears of mine from falling.
Almost 2 weeks ago, me, the world has lost one great man that has encountered a great contribution to the music, video music world, dance world and stage performance. I just watch the memoriam of Michael Jackson, and I just realized how great and 'giant' he is. When I heard the news that Michael passed away, I just thought that..'well, everyone has to die someday, and what is he to me and what am I to him to have a really thought on his death'. But that thought was wrong. I just realized that me, and the world has lost a hero and a legend for the world.
I never knew Michael's personality. I heard so many bad rumors about him. In fact, I once had a black letter that said he has passed away since years ago and the one that is on television is his impostor. But after I saw his –or should I say a tribute show to him—show, all the sudden, those rumors are gone.
What Broke Shield said about him, is really touch my heart. I never knew that Michael was really lonely. And that I can imagine how hurt he was when the media tells that they are an 'odd couple'. Just because the physical difference between the two of them. Shields said that Michael is a loving and has a great sense of humor, why good guy always leave us soon? Martin Luther King's daughter told him how Michael made her mom smile despite the pain she felt at that time because of the stroke she has. Another Lady also told us how generous Michael is. Anyone who needs his help, he'll be there to help him, her or even them.
Michael was my idol. I remember when my dad bought me his album when I still on early year of my elementary school, and it was my very first cassette that I bought on my own wish. If I were a musician, Michael would be my biggest inspiration. I still can't believe that Michael has passed away. I still thinking that he will have a big surprise for us, and he suddenly awake from his coffin. But it didn't happened.
Michael is not just a hero for the world of art, but he is also a hero for the humanity and the green environment. His songs is an inspiration for me to make this world a better world to live, and we all can contribute to it in our own ways. Michale choose hiss path trough music, how about you?
Michael Joseph Jackson, will always be a legend, more than Elvis, more than The Beatles. He live in this world for almost 51 years, and among those years, he has given his live to music for 46 years, what a dedication. And what he has made was treasure, not just some sleazy cheap song that just made to make some money. He is one true artist.
It's an ironic. How a great guy like him but always feel lonely. How a loving guy like him being left by their wives. It can happened to everyone. It's a lesson, no one were created to be alone in this world. No matter how alone you feel out there, never have a thought that you are alone, there is someone out there that is willing to be your friend.
I am so lucky that I live in the same era that Michael lived. Even though I didn't know him personally,but I still can see his greatness and his geniousity. At least I can tell my children and grand children about him.
The world may mourn of his death. But we must let him go. He wont be lonely no more. He wont have to be afraid to show his face again. He wont be stress no more. He will be written in the history. He will be memorized by all the people in the world who lives in his era.
Goodbye Michael. God bless you.
There's is nothing that can't be done if we raise our voice as one. Make the world a better place, for you, me, and our next generations.
-Michael Jackson-
Perpolitikan Indonesia saat ini...
Dari awal saya memang sudah tahu siapa yang akan memenangkan pilpres 2009 ini, bahkan pasangan. itu akan menang dalam satu putaran. Tapi bukan berarti saya mendukungnya. Karena dari pemilu 2004 pun saya juga sudah tahu dia yang akan menang, cause what? Dia punya faktor 'X' yang mendukungnya. I cant tell you what that x is, cause I only has assumption based on what has happened.
Mulai 2004 Lembaga Survey 'Itu' mulai menjadi sangat terkenal, tapi lebih sering digunakan tiap pemilihan saja. Lalu semakin mendekat pemilu, semakin banyak lembaga-lembaga survey yang bermunculan, yang tentu saja bisa digunakan sebagai alat kampanye, karena hasil survey dapat membentuk opini publik.
Inget ga sama iklan kampanye SBY yang kemudian diprotes sama JK? Yang mengatakan dia akan menang hanya dengan satu putaran? Wow, ga nyangka gw LSI tu bisa jadi paranormal juga ya? Kalo emang lembaga survey seakurat itu, kenapa ga dari dulu pemerintah menggunakannya untuk pembangunan negara ini? Alat untuk memulihkan kesejahteraan rakyat? Kan alat itu bisa digunakan untuk menjaring opsi-opsi dari tiap mau mengambil kebijakan.
Rakyat memang tidak bisa disalahkan, karna selama ini mereka terus dibiarkan bodoh oleh pemerintah yang berkuasa. Tidak ada pendidikan politik bagi mereka. Yang mereka tahu adalah siapa yang bisa ngasih uang atau makanan pada saat ini, itulah yang mereka pilih, dengan itu secara tidak langsung budaya untuk berkolusi sudah ada dari mulai grass root kita. How ironic. Money politik tu bukan cuma uang secara fisik loh. Kenapa BBM harus mengalamai 3 kali penurunan? Padahal untuk jadi 6000 (sebelum turun lagi) hanya perlu satu kali, dan tepat sesaat sebelum rangkaian kegiatan pemilu dimulai. Dan lagipula yang rakyat bawah tidak tahu adalah bahwa yang nurunin itu bukan karena penguasa yang baik, tapi karena emang harga di pasaran dunia menurun. Padahal subsidi tetap aja dicabut..oiya..tututan IMF ya...
trus..kenapa BLT dan raskin sangat gencar pembagiannya pada masa kampanye? Di beberapa daerah, BLT dibagi dengan pesan bilang bahwa ini dari pak SBY ya..trus raskin juga dibagiin dengan stiker gambar SBY atau partai demokrat di atas kasrdusnya. Trus mereka tetep bilang kalo dia pembela rakyat?? padahal pake fasilitas negara untuk kampanye??
dia juga bilang di salah satu iklannya bahwa biaya pendidikan sekarang tidak lagi menjadi masalah. Pendidikan dimana yang biayanya murah?? biaya murah tu standarnya SBY berapa? Kalo standar rakyat murah dan tidak masalah itu kalo gratis..skrg dimana sekolah murah?? kecuali di beberapa kabupaten yang berkat bupati/walikota/gubernurnya, dan bukan PRESIDENNYA!!!! petani dan nelayan makin untung?? angka kemiskinan berkurang?? iya berkurang, orang standar penghasilan bagi orang miskin cuma 200rb aja ko perbulannya, makanya berkurang, kalo mau skalian aja yang dibawah 100.000, gw yakin berkurang lebih dari 10% kok. Ngaku sebagai 100 orang berpengaruh di dunia versi times untuk tahun 2009, oh my God..itu suatu kebohongan yang sangat mudah untuk di cek n ricek.
Dibilang makin pinter, ga juga. Dibilang makin bego, makin banyak ko yang punya prestasi pendidikan di internasional. Tapi kenapa masih aja mau dibego-begoin dengan kebohongan publik ya?
Jadi sekarang siapa yang bego dong? Yang boong atau yang diboongin??
Rabu, 03 Juni 2009
Samosir island
It’s a beautiful island.1 of the most beautiful island in
Green on the land.. blue green on the water and clear blue sky..and on night, u can see many stars clearly without any pollution gets in
U can almost find anything that u need from the nature..hot spring water, water falls, mountains, green land, fresh air, sun light..everything..
The bad thing is just that too many greedy people in it..always think of advantage, trying to get as they can from the nature to rich them self with money from it..
Used to..there is rain forest in it..even the sun light cant gets through it..but now..u are hardly can see the ran forest again..that’s one of the prove of human greedy..
With a rich land..should can make a rich people by it..but when the politics was rule by the greedy, poverty everywhere…
It’s the other ironic from live..money do anything..
Selasa, 12 Mei 2009
Democracy? or democrazy?
Its a funny thing what happened these days. After 3 elections
I’m so jealous with
Involving the process of Legislative election in
Being well known as an Actors, actress or celebrities is better then being well known as never give up fighter. Or Rp. 50.000-300.000 (5-30 $) is much better then a great program for the welfare.
Makes me wonder, what is the real meaning of democracy? Is it popularity contest? Or look who is richer contest? If it so then I tell u we’d rather leave by communist or in autocracy.
Politic is just too cruel for honest people. It’s all about the interest of the ruler. Bullshit with the interest of the people, maybe it’s true, but which people?
Maybe just let those cheaters win, rule and everything. Maybe better to leave out the minds to recover this nation. Let the neoliberal took it all, and lets begin the new modern imperialism. By then hopefully there will be a revolution. Or, we can send voodoos too all the cheater in this country so they’ll die and just the right men will alive, then we can have a better democracy.
July 18th, 2008 by iyuth15Tuesday..8th of July 2008
Gw pernah bilang ma sahabat gw, Ndut..kalau 2006 itu..’what a year’ for me..in a positive way..
Many things happened in my life, that surely change me and make me who I am right now..but God gave me candy and ice cream..now I felt the same way too..2008..’what a year’ for me..but not as sweet as candy and ice cream as God has gave me 2 years ago..
Gw pernah bilang..bahwa apapun yang terjadi dalam kehidupan kita..baik yang kita kehendaki maupun tidak, memang tidak bisa dilihat efeknya seketika..Took time to understand what message that God would like to tell us..tapi..ketika bukan gula-gula dan es krim yg diberikannya, ketika yang diberikannya adalah sambal dan merica..terasa semua pesan2 indah itu buyar..
Kembali lagi gw menanyakan..What is that u would like to say now God? Apalagi si yang kurang? Apalagi yang salah?
God made everything beautiful at it’s time..
tapi ga mudah untuk mencapai waktu itu..bahkan kadang kita suka meninggalkan dan mencari jalan pintas..yg ternyata hanya jalan buntu..
Easy to say but hard to do..
Bingung maunya Tuhan itu apa..
knapa Dia ciptain manusia kalo hanya bikin manusia itu sendiri kecewa?
Kenapa Dia ciptain manusia kalo Dia selalu merasa kesal dengan tingkah laku manusia?
Kenapa ga diciptain aja robot yang nurut..ya ga?
Yang sekarang gw bisa minta..hanyalah diberikan kekuatan agar tidak menyerah sampai ‘saat itu’ tiba..hikmat agar bisa mengerti kehendakNya..